Monday, November 27, 2023

Mental muscle vs adhd, a drug – free approach | Neurofeedback Nanuet

Daniel Goleman, noted author of ‘Focus: The Hidden Ingredient in Excellence’ and ‘Emotional Intelligence’, in his New York Times article: ‘Mental Muscle vs ADHD’, suggests that strengthening mental focus, or cognitive control, and mindfulness, may help children suffering with ADHD, and adults with A.D.D.

Research has shown that cognitive control –  impulse management, paying attention or learning readiness, self- regulation –  to be a predictor of success, both in school and work life.

Meditation is a cognitive control exercise that enhances ‘ the ability to self-regulate your internal distractions’ says Dr Adam Gazzelay, neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco. Also, ‘mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention, an indicator of cognitive control’ according to research by Wendy Hasencamp and Lawrence Barselou, Emory University.

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