Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Instead of Relying on Diets, Learn to Train Your Brain | Lens Neurofeedback Training

Mindful awareness techniques can be used to reshape eating habits and quell cravings.

Here’s a New Year’s resolution you can keep: Stop dieting and start savoring your food instead.

That may seem like surprising advice, but there’s mounting scientific evidence to suggest that diets don’t work. Research shows that food restriction just makes you want to eat more. And over the long term, dieting can backfire, triggering your body’s survival defenses, slowing your metabolism, and making it even harder to lose weight in the future.

A resolution to quit dieting doesn’t mean giving up on having a healthier body. Bt to successfully conquer a dieting habit, you’ll need to let go of old ideas about counting calories, banning your favorite foods, and measuring success by a number on a scale.

What’s the alternative? Many weight researchers are encouraging a new approach to healthy eating based on brain science. A variety of techniques that encourage mindful awareness of how we eat, acceptance related to the foods we want to eat, and intuitive eating exercises can be used to quell cravings and reshape your eating habits.

“The paradigms around willpower don’t work,” said Dr. Judson Brewer, an associate professor in behavioral and social sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health who has studied mindful eating practices. “You have to start by knowing how your mind works.”

The Case Against Restrictive Diets

Kicking dieting habits this time of year is especially hard because of the allure of gimmicky weight-loss plans. Many diet programs and dieting apps try to attract users with the promise that they’re not promoting a traditional diet, only to impose restrictive eating practices once you sign up.

Traci Mann, who heads the health and eating laboratory at the University of Minnesota, notes that beyond the disappointment of not keeping weight off, dieting also affects your body in a number of negative ways. Among other things, restrictive eating can affect memory and executive function, lead to obsessive food thoughts and trigger a surge in cortisol, a stress hormone.

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

This Year, Try Spring Cleaning Your Brain | Biofeedback Neurofeedback

Five ways to soothe a mind fixated on anxiety, stress, and streams of information.

Coronavirus cases are receding across the United States, and face masks are coming off. Little green shoots are finally poking through the earth, signaling the arrival of warmer weather. The pandemic has not been declared over, but after living in survival mode for the past two years, some would say we are emerging into a new normal. Though that doesn’t mean our minds are at ease.

Many have endured illness, economic upheaval, climate crisis, grief, and racial inequities. Add to that inflation, supply chain issues, and the ripple effects of Russia’s war with Ukraine – three of the biggest sources of stress among people in the United States right now, according to a recent poll for the American Psychological Association.

Perhaps, experts say, the arrival of spring can serve as a natural point to take stock of our mental well-being and reconnect with the things that bring us purpose and joy, offering our brains a respite when possible.

“It really is – for a number of reasons- a perfect time for folks to turn their attention to taking an inventory. Where do I find myself? What have I been through?” said Paul Napper, a psychology consultant to business leaders and the co-author of “The Power of Agency:  The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Create a Life on Your Own Terms.”

Creating a clear, more focused mind starts by making decisions about how we spend our time every day. When those choices are in line with our values, interests, and passions, this is referred to as personal agency.

“You do always have a choice,” Dr. Napper said. “It may not be a great choice.” He added, but examining your options helps you adapt to your circumstances.

Get More Info : Biofeedback Neurofeedback

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Contact Us : Biofeedback Treatments Sleepy Hollow, Ny

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Remembering and Forgetting: the How and the Why

It’s often the case that we experience an event, later, to recall it only vaguely, or partially, or as a distortion of the facts. With the so-called illusory truth effect, what we assume we take in, or think we hear, may form in us false assumptions, attitudes, beliefs.

‘You don’t remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened.’ – John Green, author.

Memory involves a process of encoding – how we take in – storing, then later retrieving data and information, as needed. It takes place in the electrochemical actions at synapses – tiny gaps between brain cells – creating neuronal connections, important for retaining new information, making decisions, solving problems.

Sensory memory can be brief, especially in taking in visual information, such as light, as well as auditory, smell and touch. When focused on, it passes into short term memory, generally around 18-30 seconds, then afterwards into long term memory. The hippocampus and amygdale in the limbic system are involved in consolidation of short term memory into long term memory; spatial memory, with neuronal connections in the neocortex.

In explicit memory, a conscious, intentional recollection occurs in the retrieval of contextual information from specific experiences and events, and formation of new episodic memories – things that happen to us – via the prefrontal cortex and limbic system. Damage or atrophy in the hippocampus can be seen in the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. 

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Contact Us : Biofeedback Treatments Sleepy Hollow, Ny

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Instead of Relying on Diets, Learn to Train Your Brain | Lens Neurofeedback Certification

Mindful awareness techniques can be used to reshape eating habits and quell cravings.

Here’s a New Year’s resolution you can keep: Stop dieting and start savoring your food instead.

That may seem like surprising advice, but there’s mounting scientific evidence to suggest that diets don’t work. Research shows that food restriction just makes you want to eat more. And over the long term, dieting can backfire, triggering your body’s survival defenses, slowing your metabolism, and making it even harder to lose weight in the future.

A resolution to quit dieting doesn’t mean giving up on having a healthier body. Bt to successfully conquer a dieting habit, you’ll need to let go of old ideas about counting calories, banning your favorite foods, and measuring success by a number on a scale.

What’s the alternative? Many weight researchers are encouraging a new approach to healthy eating based on brain science. A variety of techniques that encourage mindful awareness of how we eat, acceptance related to the foods we want to eat, and intuitive eating exercises can be used to quell cravings and reshape your eating habits.

“The paradigms around willpower don’t work,” said Dr. Judson Brewer, an associate professor in behavioral and social sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health who has studied mindful eating practices. “You have to start by knowing how your mind works.”

Get More Info : Lens Neurofeedback Certification

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Instead of Relying on Diets, Learn to Train Your Brain | Lens Neurofeedback Near Me

Mindful awareness techniques can be used to reshape eating habits and quell cravings.

Here’s a New Year’s resolution you can keep: Stop dieting and start savoring your food instead.

That may seem like surprising advice, but there’s mounting scientific evidence to suggest that diets don’t work. Research shows that food restriction just makes you want to eat more. And over the long term, dieting can backfire, triggering your body’s survival defenses, slowing your metabolism, and making it even harder to lose weight in the future.

A resolution to quit dieting doesn’t mean giving up on having a healthier body. Bt to successfully conquer a dieting habit, you’ll need to let go of old ideas about counting calories, banning your favorite foods, and measuring success by a number on a scale.

What’s the alternative? Many weight researchers are encouraging a new approach to healthy eating based on brain science. A variety of techniques that encourage mindful awareness of how we eat, acceptance related to the foods we want to eat, and intuitive eating exercises can be used to quell cravings and reshape your eating habits.

“The paradigms around willpower don’t work,” said Dr. Judson Brewer, an associate professor in behavioral and social sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health who has studied mindful eating practices. “You have to start by knowing how your mind works.”

The Case Against Restrictive Diets

Kicking dieting habits this time of year is especially hard because of the allure of gimmicky weight-loss plans. Many diet programs and dieting apps try to attract users with the promise that they’re not promoting a traditional diet, only to impose restrictive eating practices once you sign up.

Get More Info :  Lens Neurofeedback Near Me

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Contact Us : Mind Care Center

Monday, March 6, 2023

This Year, Try Spring Cleaning Your Brain | Lens Neurofeedback Certification

Five ways to soothe a mind fixated on anxiety, stress, and streams of information.

Coronavirus cases are receding across the United States, and face masks are coming off. Little green shoots are finally poking through the earth, signaling the arrival of warmer weather. The pandemic has not been declared over, but after living in survival mode for the past two years, some would say we are emerging into a new normal. Though that doesn’t mean our minds are at ease.

Many have endured illness, economic upheaval, climate crisis, grief, and racial inequities. Add to that inflation, supply chain issues, and the ripple effects of Russia’s war with Ukraine – three of the biggest sources of stress among people in the United States right now, according to a recent poll for the American Psychological Association.

Perhaps, experts say, the arrival of spring can serve as a natural point to take stock of our mental well-being and reconnect with the things that bring us purpose and joy, offering our brains a respite when possible.

“It really is – for a number of reasons- a perfect time for folks to turn their attention to taking an inventory. Where do I find myself? What have I been through?” said Paul Napper, a psychology consultant to business leaders and the co-author of “The Power of Agency:  The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Create a Life on Your Own Terms.”

Creating a clear, more focused mind starts by making decisions about how we spend our time every day. When those choices are in line with our values, interests, and passions, this is referred to as personal agency.

“You do always have a choice,” Dr. Napper said. “It may not be a great choice.” He added, but examining your options helps you adapt to your circumstances.

Get More Info : Lens Neurofeedback Certification

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Contact Us : Mind Care Center

Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...