Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mom’s voice loses its grip for teens | Holistic healthcare practitioner in Sleepy Hollow

Young kids’ brains are especially tuned to their mothers’ voices. Teenagers’ brains, in their typical rebellious glory, are most decidedly not.

That conclusion, reported on April 28 in the Journal of Neuroscience, may seem laughably obvious to parents of teens, including neuroscientist Daniel Abrams of Stanford University School of Medicine. “I have two teenaged boys myself, and it’s a kind of funny result,” he says.

But the finding may be deeper than a punch line. As kids grow up and expand their social connections beyond family, their brains need to be attuned to that growing world. “Just as an infant is tuned into a mom, adolescents have this whole other class of sounds and voices that they need to tune into,” Abrams says.

He and colleagues scanned the brains of 7 to 16-year-olds as they heard the voices of either their mothers or unfamiliar women. To focus the experiment on just the sound of a voice, the words spoken were gibberish.

Abrams and colleagues have previously shown that in kinds ages 7 to 12, certain regions of the brain – particularly those parts involved in detecting rewards and paying attention – respond more strongly to mom’s voice than a voice of an unknown woman. But in these same brain regions in teens, the new study finds, unfamiliar voices elicited greater responses than mom’s. The shift seems to happen between ages 13 and 14.

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