Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Neuroscience | Lens Neurofeedback Certification

The LENS – Low Energy Neurofeedback System – is an advanced technique that uses a faint electromagnetic field, like those around digital watches, to carry a tiny feedback stimulus to the brain of its own brainwaves, enabling it to reset and restore optimal brain function. This feedback signal lasting less than a second – carried via extremely small radio frequencies – mirrors, but slightly differs from, the person’s own dominant frequency. This slight change, or offset from the EEG software, sets up a brief fluctuation in brainwave patterns, allowing dysfunctional ones to correct themselves.

Advances in neuroscience show that the brain’s ability to change, structurally and functionally – called neuroplasticity – allows brainwaves, ‘stuck’ in defensive modes against prolonged trauma or prolonged stress, to release and self-adjust. This feedback process can facilitate the brain’s ability to rebalance, self-regulate, become less reactive to stressors.

As such, it is not a medical device, but an educational tool for somatic re-education and relaxation.

The LENS uses disentrainment to help the brain to re-organize, and reconnect with itself, rather than treat specific neurological conditions, though in the process, conditions may improve.

This unique system was developed in the early 1990s by Dr Len Ochs, a pioneer in the field of neurofeedback. Unlike traditional neurofeedback methods, the LENS Neurofeedback approach produces measurable changes in the brainwaves without requiring conscious effort from the patient. The feedback to the patient travels down the same wires carrying the brainwaves to the amplifier and the computer. The LENS software allows the signals recorded at the scalp to control the feedback.

Get More Info : Lens Neurofeedback Training

Website : https://mindcarecenter.net/

Contact Us : Biofeedback Therapy

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