Certain actions or activities carry risks, whether you are engaged in combat for your country, sky diving, investing in high-risk stocks, as a pioneer exploring unknown territory, or simply going beyond your established comfort zone.

Clearly, there is a distinction between necessary, or calculated risk, versus unnecessary or random risk-taking. By consensus, some risks are considered a healthy aspect of personal development, whereas others have negative consequences.
It would seem not a coincidence that there is, reportedly, a high proportion of prison inmates in the US, exhibiting or diagnosed with ADHD, with symptoms that include: impulsivity, poor judgment, risk-taking, or reckless behavior, with disregard for one’s safety and safety of others, not learning from previous experience and higher recidivism.
Neurofeedback, or EEG biofeedback, notably LENS neurofeedback, is an established alternative treatment approach for executive dysfunction, addressing decision-making, and impulse control. Risk-taking issues, for this and for the general population.
Some sports, such as car racing, football (with a high rate of reported concussion), or occupations, such as pilots, those in combat, and frontline medics, carry inherent risks, though less so with training, and competence.
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