Sunday, January 28, 2024

Safe and Effective Treatment Options for Depression | LENS treatment in Paramus

Do you suffer from pessimism, low energy, low mood, sadness? Are you unmotivated, oversleeping, having feelings of worthlessness, even despair? Or do you have mood swings, agitation, emotional reactivity, and fatigue from anxiety with depression?

In any one year, around 60% of the population is suffering from depression. But the good news is that depression is a treatable disease just like a physical illness.

People suffering from anxiety and depression find it difficult to take the first step towards treatment. So, if your mental health is to keep you away from your normal lifestyle you need to get help from family members or a health professional.

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Monday, January 22, 2024

This Year, Try Spring Cleaning Your Brain | Biofeedback Therapy Piermont

 Five ways to soothe a mind fixated on anxiety, stress, and streams of information.

Coronavirus cases are receding across the United States, and face masks are coming off. Little green shoots are finally poking through the earth, signaling the arrival of warmer weather. The pandemic has not been declared over, but after living in survival mode for the past two years, some would say we are emerging into a new normal. Though that doesn’t mean our minds are at ease.

Many have endured illness, economic upheaval, climate crisis, grief, and racial inequities. Add to that inflation, supply chain issues, and the ripple effects of Russia’s war with Ukraine – three of the biggest sources of stress among people in the United States right now, according to a recent poll for the American Psychological Association.

Perhaps, experts say, the arrival of spring can serve as a natural point to take stock of our mental well-being and reconnect with the things that bring us purpose and joy, offering our brains a respite when possible.

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Monday, January 15, 2024

The Vast Potential of the Vagus Nerve | Lens Neurofeedback Training

Some say a cure for ailments like anxiety is flowing from the brain. But much is unknown.

By Christina Caron

In recent years, the vagus nerve has become an object of fascination, especially on social media. The vagal nerve fibers, which run from the brain to the abdomen, have been anointed by some influencers as the key to reducing anxiety, regulating the nervous system, and helping the body to relax.

TikTok videos with the hashtag “#vagusnerve” have been viewed more than 64 million times, and there are nearly 70,000 posts with the hashtag on Instagram. Some of the most popular ones feature simple hacks to “tone” or “reset” the vagus nerve, in which people plunge their faces into ice water or lie on their backs with ice packs on their chests.

Now, wellness companies have capitalized on the trend, offering products like vagus massage oil, pillow mists, and vibrating bracelets. These products claim to stimulate the nerve, but they have not been endorsed by the scientific community.

Researchers who study the vagus nerve say that stimulating it with electrodes can potentially help improve mood and alleviate symptoms in those who suffer from treatment-resistant depression, among other ailments. But are there other ways to activate the vagus nerve? Who would benefit most from doing so? And what exactly is the vagus nerve, anyway? Here’s a look at what we know so far.

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Monday, January 8, 2024

Menopause’s Effect on the Brain

The life phase may be an important risk factor in developing dementia.

Across the United States, roughly six million adults 65 and over have Alzheimer’s disease. Almost two thirds of them are women  a discrepancy that researchers have long attributed to genetics and women’s longer life spans, among other reasons. But there is growing consensus that menopause may also be an important risk factor for the development of dementia later in life.

Women going through the life phase, which is clinically defined as the end of fertility, face as many changes in the brain as in the ovaries, said Dr. Lisa Mosconi, a neuroscientist and director of the Women’s Brain Initiative at Weill Cornell Medicine. While the vast majority of women will weather these changes without long term health consequences, about 20 percent will develop dementia in the decades that follow.

The female brain is rich in estrogen receptors, particularly in regions that control memory, mood, sleep and body temperature, all of which “work beautifully when estrogen is high and consistent,” Dr. Mosconi said. Estrogen is also vital for the brain’s ability to defend itself against aging and damage.

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Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...