Monday, April 24, 2023

Gentle Exercise will Help You Remember | Counseling And Neurofeedback Center

Forgetful? A little gentle exercise every day can help improve your memory.

Light workouts create new connections in the areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus, that are responsible for memory.

Exercise, such as walking, yoga, and tai chi, may not make you sweat, but it is making a difference to your brain, say researchers from the University of California at Irvine. They scanned the brains of 36 young adults before and after 10 minutes of light exercise and discovered new connections between the hippocampus and cortical regions of the brain were already being created.

The hippocampus is vital for memory recall and is one of the first areas to deteriorate with Alzheimer’s disease.

It could be that light exercise, which every one of us can do, can also reduce the risk of cognitive decline as we get older.

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Monday, April 17, 2023

Medications Aren’t The Only Option | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

As the Opioid Crisis shook the public’s view of painkillers and pharmaceutical companies came under fire for their marketing practices, many patients looked for alternatives. One of the leading contenders; talk therapy.

Psychologists, therapists, and social workers have become a crucial part of pain treatment programs, proving to be as effective or more so than medication. Still, finding the right pain counseling can take effort.

Many pain psychologists treat chronic pain with cognitive behavior therapy (which focuses on reframing thoughts to positively affect behavior and emotions) or mindfulness (which involves learning to become conscious of feelings without reacting to them). Acceptance and commitment therapy combines C.B.T. and mindfulness to help patients accept their emotions and respond to them. Another method is biofeedback, which monitors patients’ muscle tension, heart rate, brain activity, or other functions to make them aware of their stress and help them learn to control it. And some clinicians use hypnosis, which can be effective at managing pain for some people. What unifies all these treatments is a focus on teaching patients how they can use their minds to manage their pain.

Large medical centers and boutique practices are more likely to have comprehensive pain treatment but tend to be in urban areas. People in rural areas or those who can’t afford the services get left out, said Rachel Aaron, an assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins Medicine. But even in cities, not all large medical networks have pain services.

If you are interested in trying a pain therapist, Dr. Aaron said, the first stop should be your primary care doctor. Some insurance plans cover pain psychology, but others do not. It’s important to talk to a mental health provider first about how to get treatment covered.

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Monday, April 10, 2023

Adaptability: Navigating an Ever Changing World | Biofeedback Treatments Sleepy Hollow, Ny

John Lennon is quoted as saying: ‘Life is what happens when you are making other plans.’

Indeed, Life continues to throw curve-balls at us: from the Covid, tragedy, familial and cultural tensions, financial uncertainty – as well as the cumulative stressors of daily life, multitasking, keeping up with technical literacy, and information overload.

Midst all the unrest and turmoil, it seems useful to consider the principle of flexibility in the natural world, as observed in how water overcomes the obstacles, the rocks in the river, by flowing around them.

Adaptability is described as the ability to adjust to new conditions, quickly shift plans in changing environments. In the workplace, it’s the ability to rapidly learn new skills, find alternative solutions, ways of operating in response to changing circumstances.

Adaptability implies flexibility, resilience, the capacity to meet and manage stressors, with less emotional reactivity and more balanced physiological responses. Frequently, the lack of adaptability is reflected in disregulation of the autonomic nervous system, (ANS), our ‘internal thermostat’, which regulates physiological and involuntary functions. There may be an imbalance, or adjustment issue between the ‘fight or flight’ arousal response (Sympathetic Nervous System) – when action is required – and the ‘relaxation response’ – when regeneration, restorative rest, is needed.

LENS Neurofeedback can help to balance the ANS, manage stressors, and enable resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges, so that we may more readily return to and maintain equilibrium.

Through LENS training, one can cultivate inner resources, resilience and acquire effective ways of operating at a more optimal level of living.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Take Comfort: These Foods Can Improve Your Mood | Mind Care Center

Increasingly, researchers are finding stronger links between diet and brain health.

It’s time to start feeding your brain.

For years research on healthy eating has focused primarily on physical health and the link between diet, weight, and chronic disease. But the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry studies how foods can make us feel.

“Many people think about food in terms of their waistlines, but it also impacts our mental health,” said Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard psychiatrist and the director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. “It’s a missing part of the conversation.”

The connection between the stomach and the brain is strong, and it starts in the womb. The gut and brain originate from the same cells in the embryo, Dr. Naidoo said. One of the main ways the brain and gut remain connected is through the vagus nerve, a two-way chemical messaging system that explains why stress can trigger feelings of anxiety in your mind and butterflies in your stomach.

Food can also influence the state of your microbiome, and some species of gut microbes have been linked to higher rates of depression. Even the brain chemical serotonin, which regulates mood, has a strong gut connection. Only 5 percent of your body’s serotonin is made in the brain; the rest is made, stored, and active in the gut, said Dr. Naidoo, author of the new book “This is Your Brain on Food.”

Debunking a Myth

Often people try to influence their mood by eating comfort foods. The problem experts say, is that while those foods typically offer a tantalizing combination of fat, sugar, salt, and carbs that make them hyper-palatable, they can actually make us feel worse.

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Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...