Monday, December 26, 2022

Personalized Programs | Biofeedback Treatments Sleepy Hollow, Ny

Do you lack direction? Are you looking for change, but unclear on how?

Is there a desire for something new, but you’re feeling stuck, in limbo, just getting by, without a clear aim or purpose?

We can wish for change, but real and qualitative change is more likely to happen through participating in a personalized program, a supportive process – one that addresses each individual’s issues and concerns. Such a program would offer counseling, treatment and training, education on wellness and healthy lifestyle choices strategies and resources for acquiring clear intention, skill-sets, and a plan of action.

A Personalized Program can include:

– Supportive counseling and guidance for life’s issues and challenges, learning coping and cognitive strategies, help with self-esteem or social performance issues and letting go of self-limiting beliefs.

– Clarifying one’s unique values and purpose, goal-setting, developing resources for personal growth, resilience and more effective ways of operating.

LENS Neurofeedback for alleviation of a range of neurological symptoms and conditions through brainwave regulation.

– The LENS, part of a customized treatment and training program, can help you move beyond relief of symptoms, to becoming integrated and aligned with a more authentic, optimal way of living.

– LENS alone, or combined with other healing techniques for stress relief, stress-management and relaxation.

Energy therapies: EFT – tapping on energy points for clearing emotional and energetic blocks, setting intentions, balancing meridians and energy pathways. Reconnective Healing, a way of healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and subtle – accessing and aligning with the larger vibratory Field.

Get More Info : Biofeedback Treatments Sleepy Hollow, Ny 

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Contact Us : Neurofeedback Therapy

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Gut-Brain Axis | Neurofeedback Counselor Sleepy Hollow

Cynthia Thurlow likes to remind her patients that digestion begins in the brain, in the way people think about their food before they have even taken a bite. Conversely, 95 percent of the mood-regulating neurotransmitter serotonin, which is targeted by conventional anti-depressant drugs, is produced in the gut.

It is a reversal in the way we have been taught to think about food and mood.

The gut microbiome—the range of microoganisms in the gut, including bacteria, fungi and viruses-play a major role in the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain.

Researchers in Finland recently found a link between a specific gut microbe, Morgariella, and depression. This is further evidence that people with mental health conditions often have very different microbes in their gut.

Alterations in the composition of gut microbiota are implicated in causing leaky gut(an increased permeability of the gut barrier), activating systemic inflammation, affecting the efficacy of serotonin and changing levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

However, a Chinese study last year found that intermittent fasting enriched the gut composition of diabetic mice and pointed to several other potential benefits, including increased microbial diversity, reduced inflammation and increased production of short-chain fatty acids, which inhibit the growth of bad bacteria.

Get More Info : Neurofeedback Counselor Sleepy Hollow

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Contact Us : Biofeedback Therapy

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

From Timid to Warrior: Boosting Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem can be described as lacking self-confidence, and self-worth, in one’s abilities. So, how to transcend it, not let it hold us back?

My definition of a warrior is someone who acts in spite of fear. Fear is normal – even healthy when an action for survival is required. Too often, though, we live our lives in self-limiting ways, our potential undermined by various factors, causing us to see situations through the half-empty, rather than the half-full glass – dwelling on the negative, disregarding our achievements; thinking others are better than us; poor self-image; that we don’t deserve to enjoy; self-criticism; fear of making mistakes, avoid taking risks, fear of failure, or success, feelings of incompetence.

Many factors can cause or lead to low self-esteem: parental abuse, that is emotional, sexual, physical, neglect, parental or authority figure disapproval, (‘you’ll never amount to anything!’); bullying’ academic difficulties; social shaming, poor performance, poor body self-image; perception of not belonging; war; chronic stress.

To boost self-esteem, we can find support by joining groups; celebrating achievements, especially under adversity; being around those who make us feel good, versus those who don’t treat us well; good health practices; doing things we enjoy, start something new; treatment alternatives, including LENS neurofeedback, which, by helping to balance and regulate the nervous system, together with supportive counseling, goal-setting, healing techniques, can get us in touch with buried, suppressed aspirations, foster self-growth, self-assurance, energy and impetus for new life directions.

Get More Info : LENS treatment in Tarrytown

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Contact Us : neurofeedback certification training Dobbs Ferry

Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...