Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Fight or Flight Concept Updated


The old concept of Fight or Flight was helpful in helping to explain the stress response. It’s just not good enough anymore.

Our nervous system is much more complex than that.
Hans Selye gave us his theory on stress and Walter Cannon gave us his concept of fight or flight.

They also talked about the autonomic nervous system with its sympathetic and para-sympathetic branches. The sympathetic speeding things up and the parasympathetic slowing things down. Sounds simple enough. It was relatively easy to explain the concept to people. But, it didn’t explain everything. It also led to some flawed thinking. Many people came to think that sympathetic activation was bad and would lead to negative health outcomes and parasympathetic activation was good and would always lead to positive health outcomes.

This is not a quote from a well know scientist but instead what old people | know used to say “Too much of one thing, is good for nothing”.

Too much sympathetic activation can lead to problems like anxiety and hypertension. Too much sympathetic activation can lead to problems like low energy, depression, and hypo tension (low blood pressure). Another update has to do with additional Fs being added to the original Fight or Fight. Our reactions are not binary. Freezing is a third response. This is the deer in the headlights response or playing dead like an opossum. Sometimes not moving can be helpful. At other times it could be the worst thing for survival, Fawn is a new one for me.

This involves reacting in a way to try to please, to avoid further conflict.

Flow is a more positive reaction. It was described by Mihaly Csikszenemihalyi, in his book Flow: The Psychology of”Optimal Experience. This is what people like athletes describe when they are able to perform at their best under challenging situations during which others might fold and erform poorly. People describe time slowing down and focus ‘expanding rather than norrowing.

Maybe we should be working on regulating our responses instead of turning them off: People don’t want to become relaxed zombies. They want to live effectively.

Get More Info :  Neurofeedback Sleepy Hollow

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Risking: Good Idea, Bad Idea | Mental and holistic healthcare practitioner

Certain actions or activities carry risks, whether you are engaged in combat for your country, sky diving, investing in high-risk stocks, as a pioneer exploring unknown territory, or simply going beyond your established comfort zone.

Clearly, there is a distinction between necessary, or calculated risk, versus unnecessary or random risk-taking. By consensus, some risks are considered a healthy aspect of personal development, whereas others have negative consequences.

It would seem not a coincidence that there is, reportedly, a high proportion of prison inmates in the US, exhibiting or diagnosed with ADHD, with symptoms that include: impulsivity, poor judgment, risk-taking, or reckless behavior, with disregard for one’s safety and safety of others, not learning from previous experience and higher recidivism.

Get More Info : Mental and holistic healthcare practitioner

Website : https://mindcarecenter.net/

Contact Us : Neurofeedback Sleepy Hollow

Monday, November 7, 2022

The Epidemic of Sleep Deprivation: Anxiety, Stress


How many of us lie awake at night, with ruminating thoughts, unable to fall asleep? Or we finally nod off, only to reawaken and cannot get back again.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about one in three suffer from Insomnia at least periodically. Insomnia persisting for over a month is considered a chronic condition, affecting 1 in 10.

Night after night, unable to sleep, we may become anxious, or fearful about getting to sleep, making the situation worse. Disturbed sleep is often a reaction to stressors, or trauma, causing the problem to spiral.

According to LENS founder Dr Len Ochs, sleep disturbance may involve a pervasive, underlying CNS dysregulation, characterized by delayed sleep onset, or DFA, nocturnal awakening ( broken sleep), or waking unrefreshed, daytime sleepiness and fatigue.

Disrupted sleep can be a consequence of Anxiety, PTSD, Panic Attacks, chronic stress and tension, emotional, mental or physical pain. LENS therapy can address these multiple factors and conditions by helping patients in regulating their autonomic nervous system and balancing of their EEG.

 Get More Info : Lens Neurofeedback Sleepy Hollow NY

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