Thursday, June 9, 2022

Recharge Your Brain | Neurofeedback Armonk

There’s a gentle, but effective way to brain fitness and lasting relief from neurological conditions in adults and children, such as Anxiety, Depression, ADHD in kids, without the need for medications: with LENS Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback – or EEG Biofeedback – uses sensitive technology to track and release ‘stuck’ or disregulated brainwave patterns, thereby helping to restore harmony and balance to the central nervous system. The LENS ( Low Energy Neurofeedback System) carries a tiny signal from and back to the brain in a way that is conducive to the brain self-adjusting – a kind of reset bringing peace, clarity and resilience.

The LENS is user-friendly, quick, given with the eyes closed, and requiring no effort – important for fidgety children, and those having difficulty attending to prolonged auditory / visual stimuli. It has even been used effectively on dogs, horses and other pets.

The recognition of neuroplasticity in neuroscience – the brain’s ability to change and improve function at any age, in adults as well as children – has given hope to many. Parents concerned with prolonged drug use in children diagnosed with ADD / ADHD, now seek alternative approaches like neurofeedback. Know more....

Get detail info: Neurofeedback Armonk

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Long Term Benefits | LENS Neurofeedback Research in Tarrytown

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, clarity and balance in their lives.

How LENS Neurofeedback can help

Alleviate many neurological conditions associated with dysregulated brainwave patterns including:

– Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Attacks, TBI
– Children with ADD / ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disorders
– Relieve Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, regain energy
– Sleep Disorders, Addictions, by reducing the need to self-medicate

Changes and improvements following a course of treatment with the LENS, once attained, tend to persist and endure. Gains can be seen in as little as 5-10 sessions:

A study at Stone Mountain Center demonstrated a 50% improvement in 20 sessions and less over a range of symptoms. ( 100 Person Study, Journal of Neurotherapy, Winter,2006: issue devoted to the LENS. Conclusion: LENS therapy appears to be very efficient and effective in rapidly reducing a wide range of symptoms. It particularly produces rapid movements in the first 5-10 sessions.)

In tracking gains during a course of LENS treatment, family members, friends, teachers and parents of younger children may notice and give positive ‘feedback’ on beneficial changes in function, behavior and relationships. 

Read More About Click Here : lens neurofeedback training Irvington

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Contact Us : neurofeedback certification training Dobbs Ferry

Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...