Wednesday, April 27, 2022

This Year, Try Spring Cleaning Your Brain

 Five ways to soothe a mind fixated on anxiety, stress, and streams of information.

Coronavirus cases are receding across the United States, and face masks are coming off. Little green shoots are finally poking through the earth, signaling the arrival of warmer weather. The pandemic has not been declared over, but after living in survival mode for the past two years, some would say we are emerging into a new normal. Though that doesn’t mean our minds are at ease.

Many have endured illness, economic upheaval, climate crisis, grief, and racial inequities. Add to that inflation, supply chain issues, and the ripple effects of Russia’s war with Ukraine – three of the biggest sources of stress among people in the United States right now, according to a recent poll for the American Psychological Association.

Perhaps, experts say, the arrival of spring can serve as a natural point to take stock of our mental well-being and reconnect with the things that bring us purpose and joy, offering our brains a respite when possible.

“It really is – for a number of reasons- a perfect time for folks to turn their attention to taking an inventory. Where do I find myself? What have I been through?” said Paul Napper, a psychology consultant to business leaders and the co-author of “The Power of Agency:  The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Create a Life on Your Own Terms.”

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Elect Stress Reduction: Picking Ways to Cope | Mindcare Center Sleepy Hollow NY

 Here are several methods to help restore a sense of tranquillity to your life.


Can’t concentrate? Losing sleep? Binge-eating your feelings?
In a stressful year, the nation collectively Appeared to be experiencing peak anxiety last week. People-Shared stories of stress eating, clearing their calendars (who could sit through a Zoom meeting during a time like this?) and threatening to stay in bed. The’ stress has consumed -both .sides of the political aisle. A poll released by the American Psychological Association showed that 76 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of Republicans found the 2020 election to be a significant source of stress.

“We’ve had this unending momentum of a steady stream of stuff just going wrong since the beginning of March,” said the Rev. angel Kyodo Williams, a meditation teacher and author of the book “Radical Dharma.” “The groundlessness that people feel is not really something the human body was meant to sustain over long periods of time.”

While there’s nothing you can do to speed election results or a coronavirus vaccine, you do have the power to take care of yourself. Neuroscientists, psychologists and meditation experts offered advice about the big and small things you can do to calm down. Here are 10 things you can try to release anxiety, gain perspective and gird yourself for whatever comes next.

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Friday, April 8, 2022

Alternatives to drug treatment for pain – radio frequency | LENS treatment in Tarrytown

In a Q & A article in the New York Times titled ‘Pain Medications Can Lose Their Punch’, the question was asked: Why would a pain medication lose its efficiency after working well for several years?

In his response Dr Shahil Ahmed, a pain medicine specialist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center, replied: ‘ It is due to a phenomenon called tolerance., in which there is a decrease in response over time to repeated exposures of the body to pain medication. ‘This might be due to drug interactions, or bodily changes add a substance that induces an enzyme responsible for disposing of the drug.’ Other causes include increase in nervous system receptors, called NMDA receptors. 

Dr Ahmed’s practice and research include several alternatives to conventional drug treatment for pain, including use of radio frequency to interrupt the nerve pathways of pain.

This approach would appear to correspond with alleviating neurological conditions using the Low Energy Neurofeedback System ( LENS). The LENS uses tiny radio frequency carrier waves in a faint electromagnetic field for disentrainment, causing a brief fluctuation in a person’s brainwave patterns, thereby allowing ‘stuck’ or dysfunctional ones to correct themselves.

Read More About Click Here : Neurofeedback Sleepy Hollow

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Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...