Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Take Comfort: These Foods Can Improve Your Mood

Increasingly, researchers are finding stronger links between diet and brain health.

It’s time to start feeding your brain.

For years research on healthy eating has focused primarily on physical health and the link between diet, weight, and chronic disease. But the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry studies how foods can make us feel.   

“Many people think about food in terms of their waistlines, but it also impacts our mental health,” said Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard psychiatrist and the director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. “It’s a missing part of the conversation.”

The connection between the stomach and the brain is strong, and it starts in the womb. The gut and brain originate from the same cells in the embryo, Dr. Naidoo said. One of the main ways the brain and gut remain connected is through the vagus nerve, a two-way chemical messaging system that explains why stress can trigger feelings of anxiety in your mind and butterflies in your stomach.

Food can also influence the state of your microbiome, and some species of gut microbes have been linked to higher rates of depression. Even the brain chemical serotonin, which regulates mood, has a strong gut connection. Only 5 percent of your body’s serotonin is made in the brain; the rest is made, stored, and active in the gut, said Dr. Naidoo, author of the new book “This is Your Brain on Food.”

Debunking a Myth

Often people try to influence their mood by eating comfort foods. The problem experts say, is that while those foods typically offer a tantalizing combination of fat, sugar, salt, and carbs that make them hyper-palatable, they can actually make us feel worse.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Brain ripples drop sugar levels in rats | LENS treatment in Sleepy Hollow

Ripples of nerve cell activity that lock in memories may have an unexpected job outside of the brain: dropping blood sugar levels in the body.

Soon after a burst of ripples in a rat’s hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a key role in memory, sugar levels elsewhere in the body dipped, new experiments show. The curveball results, reported August 11 in Nature, suggest that certain types of brain activity and blood sugar control – a key part of metabolism – are entwined in surprising and mysterious ways.

“This paper represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the hippocampus modulates metabolism,” says Elizabeth Gould, a neuroscientist at Princeton University who wasn’t involved in the study.

Neural shudders are called sharp-wave ripples zig and zag in the brains of people as they learn new things and draw memories back up (SN: 9/14/19, p.14). Ripples also feature prominently during deep sleep and are thought to accompany the neural work of transforming short-term knowledge into long-term memories.

Neuroscientist David Tingley, now at Harvard University, wondered whether these signals might also change something outside of the brain. Tingley and colleagues fitted continuous glucose monitors onto the backs of eight rats. The researchers simultaneously measured the rats’ brain waves with electrodes implanted in the hippocampus.

About 10 minutes after a bout of ripples, blood sugar levels in the body fell, the monitors showed. “We saw these dips in the second rat, and the third rat, and the fourth rat,” says coauthor Gyorgy Buzsaki, a neuroscientist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine. “It was super consistent. The magnitude is small, but [the dips] are always there.”

Rats’ blood sugar levels also dropped after the team induced bouts of bran ripples using light. When the researchers jammed the ripples’ signals with a drug that quiets nerve cells, blood sugar levels did not drop. That suggests these ripples send signals that ping-pong through the brain and ultimately tell the body to reduce its sugar.

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Adaptability: Navigating an Ever Changing World

John Lennon is quoted as saying: ‘Life is what happens when you are making other plans.’

Indeed, Life continues to throw curve-balls at us: from the Covid, tragedy, familial and cultural tensions, financial uncertainty – as well as the cumulative stressors of daily life, multitasking, keeping up with technical literacy, and information overload.  

Midst all the unrest and turmoil, it seems useful to consider the principle of flexibility in the natural world, as observed in how water overcomes the obstacles, the rocks in the river, by flowing around them.

Adaptability is described as the ability to adjust to new conditions, quickly shift plans in changing environments. In the workplace, it’s the ability to rapidly learn new skills, find alternative solutions, ways of operating in response to changing circumstances.

Adaptability implies flexibility, resilience, the capacity to meet and manage stressors, with less emotional reactivity and more balanced physiological responses. Frequently, the lack of adaptability is reflected in disregulation of the autonomic nervous system, (ANS), our ‘internal thermostat’, which regulates physiological and involuntary functions. There may be an imbalance, or adjustment issue between the ‘fight or flight’ arousal response (Sympathetic Nervous System) – when action is required – and the ‘relaxation response’ – when regeneration, restorative rest, is needed.

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

8 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety | Low Energy Neurofeedback Tarrytown

It might be very surprising to know that stress is a recent discovery, it wasn’t found till the late 1950s. It is a psychologically uncomfortable truth. But, nowadays more than 70% of the population suffers from stress or anxiety daily. However, taking care of your mental as well as physical health is an important aspect of stress management.

Feeling stressed? Let’s take a few minutes to review 8 ways to relieve your stress and anxiety:  

  1. Meditation – Meditation can bring short-term stress relief. There are various amazing forms of meditation you can try – each one can bring its own appeal. You can follow the breath while doing housework and other activities. Try to simply pay attention to what you see, hear, taste and smell.

  2. Be active – Only exercise or any other practice cannot make your stress disappear. Being involved in your day-to-day activities and absorbing positive vibes can help you deal with your stress.

  3. Avoid unhealthy habits – Never rely on smoking or alcohol as your way of coping. It might provide temporary relief to your body but it won’t make your stress disappear. Try having healthy foods.

  4. Talk yourself through it – Take some “ME” time, if calling a friend is not an option. Talking calmly to yourself alone can be the next best thing. Don’t worry about feeling passive or lazy; just tell yourself and others that you are stressed out.

  5. Sleep Well – Lack of sleep is a major cause of stress. lt interrupts the sleep cycles, causing the brain and body to get out of whack, so make sure you have seven to eight of sleep in a day, though some people’s systems might require a little less

Friday, February 4, 2022

Mental muscle vs adhd, a drug – free approach | Remote Counseling in Sleepy Hollow

Daniel Goleman, noted author of ‘Focus: The Hidden Ingredient in Excellence’ and ‘Emotional Intelligence’, in his New York Times article: ‘Mental Muscle vs ADHD’, suggests that strengthening mental focus, or cognitive control, and mindfulness, may help children suffering with ADHD, and adults with A.D.D.

Research has shown that cognitive control –  impulse management, paying attention or learning readiness, self- regulation –  to be a predictor of success, both in school and work life.

Meditation is a cognitive control exercise that enhances ‘ the ability to self-regulate your internal distractions’ says Dr Adam Gazzelay, neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco. Also, ‘mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention, an indicator of cognitive control’ according to research by Wendy Hasencamp and Lawrence Barselou, Emory University.

Alternative, drug-free therapies, such as Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback, by enabling self-regulation of the central nervous system, can , like mindfulness training, also help children with ADHD, and adults with ADD  improve focus and gain cognitive control.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Alternatives to drug treatment for pain – radio frequency

In a Q & A article in the New York Times titled ‘Pain Medications Can Lose Their Punch’, the question was asked: Why would a pain medication lose its efficiency after working well for several years?

In his response Dr Shahil Ahmed, a pain medicine specialist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center, replied: ‘ It is due to a phenomenon called tolerance., in which there is a decrease in response over time to repeated exposures of the body to pain medication. ‘This might be due to drug interactions, or bodily changes add a substance that induces an enzyme responsible for disposing of the drug.’ Other causes include increase in nervous system receptors, called NMDA receptors.

Dr Ahmed’s practice and research include several alternatives to conventional drug treatment for pain, including use of radio frequency to interrupt the nerve pathways of pain.

This approach would appear to correspond with alleviating neurological conditions using the Low Energy Neurofeedback System ( LENS). The LENS uses tiny radio frequency carrier waves in a faint electromagnetic field for disentrainment, causing a brief fluctuation in a person’s brainwave patterns, thereby allowing ‘stuck’ or dysfunctional ones to correct themselves.

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Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...