Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What is LENS? How can it work for me? | Lens Neurofeedback Sleepy Hollow NY


LENS – or Low Energy Neurofeedback System– is an advanced form of brain technology or EEG biofeedback for adults and children – so-called, because it uses a tiny signal, hundreds of times smaller than your cell phone, that your brain is attracted to, and which enables it to reboot and reset in a beneficial way to optimize function.

For those suffering from Anxiety, Depression, children and adults with ADHD, Chronic Pain, Head Injury, Sleep and a range of neurological issues – as well as for those experiencing stress, emotional reactivity, ‘brain fog’, struggling to cope – LENS can help.

The LENS has brought fast relief to many, and clinical studies indicate that, with this drug-free approach, results tend to be lasting. It is a gentle, passive approach, user-friendly, requiring no effort, quick to administer – ideal for young or fidgety patients.

The LENS model is based on disentertainment, freeing up ‘stuck’ or dysregulated brainwave patterns from prolonged stress and other conditions. It is a customized training as well as a treatment, with the functional review of progress over a course of treatment. Results can be seen in as little as 6 sessions, typically within 10-20 sessions, depending on severity, the onset of symptoms, and other factors.

The LENS is appealing for those seeking relief from neurological conditions; for those who don’t do well with medications and are dissatisfied with more traditional methods; for those interested in more holistic approaches, to health and wellness; as well as executives, test-takers, sportspersons, performing artists, and all those who seek to optimize their daily functioning.

 More Info : What is LENS? How can it work for me?

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Molecule Offers New Hope on Alzheimer’s | Gain Emotional Control

Memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients could be reversed following the discovery of a molecule that can rejuvenate the brain.

People with Alzheimer’s have low stores of the molecule, microRNA-132, especially in the brain’s hippocampus region, which is causing memory loss, a typical symptom of the disease.

Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience say that healthy people’s brains go through constant renewal, or neurogenesis, which allows us to maintain cognitive and memory abilities into old age.

But it’s a process that isn’t happening in Alzheimer’s patients, the researchers say, because they have low levels of the molecule, which appears to be the trigger for neurogenesis. In studies on neural stem cells, the researchers found that adding the molecule restored neurogenesis, and which suggests memory would also be improved.

Targeting the use of the molecule as a new therapy is a next stage, the researchers say.

Read More About click Here : Mindcare Center Sleepy Hollow NY

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Monday, November 1, 2021

Some Surprisingly Good News About Anxiety | Mindcare center

 Everyone suffers from fear and anxiety at some point in time. People can be anxious without knowing why. Anxiety usually stems from founded or unfounded fears, or apprehension of what may or may not occur in the future. These triggering of alarms are often coming from the amygdale – a marble-sized sub-cort ical organ in the brain.

“The harder I try, the worst result I get!” Have you ever came across this thought? It can be a frustrating experience that leads to suffering from chronic worry, social anxiety disorder, or phobias.

However, you can use these uncertain times as an opportunity for personal growth and stability. Below are few strategies which can help you to deal with anxiety.

  • Build your pain tolerance: Stop overthinking and worrying about everything. Accepting the fact that there is usually a solution for every problem is a great idea. People who are not capable of tolerating their stress drain their coping abilities, often leading to harmful strategies, such as self-medicating with drugs.
  • The actual threat may be less than the imagined: The fear of the unknown magnifies the anxiety, whereas searching for what is the known can help to diminish it.
  • Breath into it: Slow, full inhalation, exhalation in the abdomen / lower back, known as diaphragmatic breathing, is used by many, to effectively alleviate anxiety, and bring tranquility.
  • Moving the body: Can shift your mood, energize, promote mental clarity, dispel ruminating thoughts. Escape the inertia of sedentary living and engage in healthy distraction.
  • Strengthen your connection: Studies say that talking with others and making your social connection stronger, can help you to find answers to your questions. Try to make things real by engaging in casual conversations. It will definitely help you get a better understanding and way to approach a particular issue with other people.
  • Be more accepting of yourself: Many of you might be going through a phase where you think that you are too fat or too thin, or other self-image issues.. Don’t let your opinion determine your state of mind.
  • It is very important to remember that everyone has struggled to balance their life. Try to take a break and accept your shortcomings, adopt a concept called self-sympathy. Keep in mind what one can be grateful for, and reach out to comfort the vulnerable, those in worse circumstances.

If you know someone who is suffering from anxiety and fear, let them know that they don’t need to live in their pain. There are various successful treatments that can save a person’s relationships, career, and self-confidence, such as counseling – person-to-person or via teletherapy –  and EEG biofeedback. Adopt a healthier lifestyle and cultivate positive thinking – the half-full glass –as a daily practice. Why not take the first step today?

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Website : Mindcare center

Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...