Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lens Neurofeedback Training


The LENS – Low Energy Neurofeedback System – is an advanced technique that uses a faint electromagnetic field, like those around digital watches, to carry a tiny feedback stimulus to the brain of its own brainwaves, enabling it to reset and restore optimal brain function. This feedback signal lasting less than a second – carried via extremely small radio frequencies – mirrors, but slightly differs from, the person’s own dominant frequency. This slight change, or offset from the EEG software, sets up a brief fluctuation in brainwave patterns, allowing dysfunctional ones to correct themselves. Advances in neuroscience show that the brain’s ability to change, structurally and functionally – called neuroplasticity – allows brainwaves, ‘stuck’ in defensive modes against prolonged trauma or prolonged stress, to release and self-adjust. This feedback process can facilitate the brain’s ability to rebalance, self-regulate, become less reactive to stressors. As such, it is not a medical device, but an educational tool for somatic re-education and relaxation. The LENS uses disentrainment to help the brain to re-organize, and reconnect with itself, rather than treat specific neurological conditions, though in the process, conditions may improve. This unique system was developed in the early 1990s by Dr Len Ochs, a pioneer in the field of neurofeedback. Unlike traditional neurofeedback methods, the LENS Neurofeedback approach produces measurable changes in the brainwaves without requiring conscious effort from the patient. The feedback to the patient travels down the same wires carrying the brainwaves to the amplifier and the computer. The LENS software allows the signals recorded at the scalp to control the feedback.


The LENS is gentle and user friendly. The patient simply sits quietly, eyes closed. Sensors are placed on each ear and one on the head, which is moved around to measure the brain’s electrical activity at each site. Delivery of feedback treatment per site is in a fraction of a second, and timed precisely. Customized protocols are derived from matching treatment to the dominant frequency of the individual’s brainwaves, and typically involve covering multiple sites that follow a brain map. The LENS uses a topographic mapping process with 19-21 sites common to other neurofeedback systems, but differs, by using other choices in selecting sensor site sequences. Changes in brainwave patterns are tracked weekly and in remapping. Through ongoing evaluation using the LENS, reviewing weekly observations and issues with the patient, and with an individualized treatment plan, symptoms can be resolved more quickly and effectively.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Reducing Ruinous Costs with Biofeedback and other Alternative Therapies

Three-quarters of our healthcare spending is on chronic conditions, including cancer, heart disease depression, and chronic pain – for which self-care is best suited.

‘Inexpensive self-care strategies or alternative therapies might address the underlying biological and psychological imbalances that contribute to chronic conditions – including nutrition, exercise and mind-body techniques like biofeedback, meditation and guided mental imagery’- sad James S. Gordon, MD, then a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, forty years ago.

Since then research in alternative therapies has shown that ‘mind-body approaches reduce stress and improve mood and immunity, decrease blood pressure in hypertensives, blood sugar in diabetics and pain.’

Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback, in training self-regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System, has been shown to be effective in stress reduction and relief for many neurological conditions, including Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, and Trauma.

‘What was unexamined and ‘alternative’ 40 years ago is now well researched… f we are going to reduce our ruinous costs and improve our declining national health, we must make self-care and group support central to all care.’

— James S. Gordon, psychiatrist, director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and was chairman of the White House Commission on Complementary And Alternative Medicine Policy appointed by President Bill Clinton, From a New York Science Times article ‘Invitation to a Dialogue: Alternative Therapies, May 14, 2014.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dr. Joseph Mercola’s interview of Dr. Perlmutter: Alzheimer’s is Preventable


Alzheimer’s Disease- a form of dementia affecting 5.6 million Americans, currently incurable – is preventable, according to The Lancet Neurology, an established medical journal for brain research.

Dr. David Perlmutter, noted board-certified neurologist and expert on nutrition, is the author of the best-selling book, ‘Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killer.’ In the book, he states: ‘Lifestyle choices, like aerobic exercise, healthy fats, reducing carbs, including whole grains, affect overall brain health, as well as the risk of Alzheimer’s.’ Further, says Dr Perlmutter, a hi-carb diet, of which 20% comes from wheat-based food, ‘can lead to Dementia, ADHD, Anxiety, Chronic Headaches, Depression and other neurological diseases.

Gluten in wheat leads to gluten sensitivity and the production of Zonulin in the gut, according to Dr. Dasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist and research scientist directing the Center for Celiac Research & Treatment at Mass, General Hospital, Boston. Zonulin is the cornerstone of diseases characterized by the permeability of the gut and inflammation in the brain – Alzheimer’s, Autism, Parkinson’s, and Attention Deficit Disorders as well as auto-immune diseases’- related to consumption of carbohydrates, says Dr. Perlmutter. Dr. Fasano’s research shows that reaction to Zonulin is not confined to the 1.85% with Celiac, but is present in 100% of the population.

According to a recent German study at the University of Bonn, published in Neurology, a hi-carb diet has been directly related to atrophy, or brain shrinkage, particularly of the memory center. A blood test for hemoglobin, A1C, which assesses average blood sugar, is used to correlate blood sugar level to disease processes, such as Alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment and Coronary Heart Disease. Researchers concluded that elevated hemoglobin A1C is directly correlated with brain shrinkage, including the brain memory structure, the hippocampus.

Dr Perlmutter, in his book, ‘Grain Brain’, recommends aerobic exercises, plus a diet rich in vitamin D, good gats’, such as coconut, sesame and nut oil, flaxseed oil – the brain is 60-70% fat, and maintained by fats consumption – rich in above-ground vegetables, and aggressively low in carbohydrates (60 gm/day).

A switch to such a healthy diet and lifestyle can, says Dr. Perlmutter, effect neurogenesis, whereby we can have some control, or programming of our genes, and neuroplasticity, renewing brain function. Studies show that as a result, our memory centers can expand at 1-2% per year, and increase the connection of brain cells. He says that this dietary approach can also apply to Heart Disease and Cancer.

‘Grain Brain’, clearly emphasizes the restriction of gluten, wheat and carbohydrates, and its impact on brain health.

– Dr., Dr. Joseph Mercola’s interview of Dr. Perlmutter, 2013, PBS Grain Brain Series.

Long Term Benefits | Low Energy Neurofeedback System Near Me

LENS Neurofeedback is a clinically effective, drug-free alternative for helping people find lasting relief from neurological symptoms, cl...